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Service Provider

Industriestraße 7/1
DE-85456 Wartenberg


Telefon: +49 89 5500 5800
eMail: kontakt@goezy.de
Internet: www.goezy.de


Managing Director: Bozidar Mamuza
Register Court: Memmingen District Court

Registration Number: HRB 21070


VAT indentification number in accordance with § 27a of the German Turnover Tax Law: DE 318 054 175
Tax Number: 151/125/90126


Responsible for content according to § 18 section 2 MStV: Bozidar Mamuza
(address as above)


Notification about Liability

Despite careful of the contents, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links. The content of all linked pages is the sole responsibility of their providers.



All photos, logos and texts on these pages are property of EZY GmbH and its partners. The copying and/or dissemination of the contents provided here in any form require a written approval of EZY GmbH.


Photo credit

  • Hintergrundbild: LASSTOCK@fotolia.com
  • PDF-Icon: Font Awesome (CC BY 4.0 Licence)
  • Startseite: Fotolia - © cristalov, Fotolia - © ValentinValkov, Fotolia - © oneinchpunch, Fotolia - © maria_savenko

  • Fotolia - © EpicStockMedia
  • www.istockphoto.com/de/portfolio/Ninoon


Technical realization

MJU.media Internetlösungen (www.mju.de)



Staying mobile even in bottlenecks


We support you in case of overcapacity of your vehicle fleet


No professional success without mobility. This is why we offer you our flexible fleet solution in the form of long-term rental, at favourable prices and flexible contract terms, with which you can overcome any bottleneck in your fleet.